Menorca, Spain 2000
Multidisciplinary artist and art curator who resides between Barcelona and Menorca. Her language is articulated through the manipulation of visual and non-visual materials, creating new narratives that revolve around nature and its characteristic of a circular temporality, where birth and death are twins.
She works through photography and printed images, video installation and experimental writing. The latest projects in which she has been immersed suggest themes such as nostalgia, the archive and the recovery of forgotten stories.
2024 Collective exhibition: ÀVIES, Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison, Barcelona.
2023 Collective exhibition: Galets al Galliner, El Corralito, Terrassa.
2023 Collective exhibition: Sobretaula at Fabra i Coats, Barcelona.
2023 Collective exhibition: Capicua at Antiga Massana managed by La Capella, Barcelona.
Professional Experience
2024-currently Cultural Management and Art Curating at Atica Art Gallery, Maó, Menorca.
2024 Art Curation and visual installation for L'Enfant Terrible & Donde Mueren los Dias exhibition of the artist Kenjiro at Fabrica40 Art Gallery, Maó, Menorca.
2024 Visuals for the article La càrrega ideològica d'un manat de bledes, mitja dotzena d'ous o un quilo de melicotons for Lucas #3 Magazine.
2023 Art Curation and Art Direction for 1998 exhibition of the artist Kenjiro at the Convent de Sant Diego, Menorca. Sponsored by Alaior Art Contemporani (LÔAC).
2024 Master's Degree in Cultural Management, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Universitat de Girona.
2023-2024 EXHIBITIONS. Curatorship, Design and Spaces, EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art, Barcelona.
2020-2023 Graduate in University Degree in Art and Design, Escola Massana. Centre d'Art I Disseny, Barcelona.
2018-2020 Graphic and Interactive design, Elisava. Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Barcelona.
2016-2018 Social and Humanistic High School, IES Cap de Llevant, Menorca.
Menorca, Spain 2000
Multidisciplinary artist and art curator who resides between Barcelona and Menorca. Her language is articulated through the manipulation of visual and non-visual materials, creating new narratives that revolve around nature and its characteristic of a circular temporality, where birth and death are twins.
She works through photography and printed images, video installation and experimental writing. The latest projects in which she has been immersed suggest themes such as nostalgia, the archive and the recovery of forgotten stories.
2024 Collective exhibition: ÀVIES, Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison, Barcelona.
2023 Collective exhibition: Galets al Galliner, El Corralito, Terrassa.
2023 Collective exhibition: Sobretaula at Fabra i Coats, Barcelona.
2023 Collective exhibition: Capicua at Antiga Massana managed by La Capella, Barcelona.
Professional Experience
2024-currently Cultural Management and Art Curating at Atica Art Gallery, Maó, Menorca.
2024 Art Curation and visual installation for L'Enfant Terrible & Donde Mueren los Dias exhibition of the artist Kenjiro at Fabrica40 Art Gallery, Maó, Menorca.
2024 Visuals for the article La càrrega ideològica d'un manat de bledes, mitja dotzena d'ous o un quilo de melicotons for Lucas #3 Magazine.
2023 Art Curation and Art Direction for 1998 exhibition of the artist Kenjiro at the Convent de Sant Diego, Menorca. Sponsored by Alaior Art Contemporani (LÔAC).
2024 Master's Degree in Cultural Management, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Universitat de Girona.
2023-2024 EXHIBITIONS. Curatorship, Design and Spaces, EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art, Barcelona.
2020-2023 Graduate in University Degree in Art and Design, Escola Massana. Centre d'Art I Disseny, Barcelona.
2018-2020 Graphic and Interactive design, Elisava. Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Barcelona.
2016-2018 Social and Humanistic High School, IES Cap de Llevant, Menorca.